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Margin & Love

Today, I'm reminded of how important margin is (thank you for years of teaching on this, Pastor Rob Jacobson).

The time to rest, reflect, create, be restored, prepare for what's next, do nothing. To dream, listen, not be driven by to-do lists and tasks that will literally take up all of your time if you let it. Time to ask God, "what do you have for me here, right now?"

One of the gifts God gives me is these reminders to share with other people, when I also need to hear it.

This week has had a theme already and it's only Wednesday. The theme? Live with margin and joy.

Have some fun, enjoy the things you enjoy, learn to love who God made you to be, relax. Be a friend to yourself. Stop being so harsh with yourself, you don't treat anyone else like that! Cut yourself some slack. You are doing an amazing job and you handle a lot, a lot of the time. It's okay to take breaks. It's necessary, good and important to take breaks! You will be a better, happier and more peaceful you when you regularly rest and do things that fill your cup.

Why do we get so caught up in the doing, proving, hustling, convincing, trying so dang hard to prove our worth when we are inherently worthy of love and belonging, as Brené Brown (and God) says? Lost and lots of reasons, some are more obvious than others.

For me, it's unfortunately rooted in a traumatic childhood incident that told me I am not safe, even if I do what's right and expected of me and follow the rules. For you, it might be something else.

Let's give ourselves permission to start telling ourselves the truths we need to hear, when we find ourselves chasing the invisible goals of attempting perfection and doing all the things, with no time for ourselves (margin) at the cost of not being or enjoying who we are and how God made us.

Friends, I encourage you to make your list of truths (others and I also refer to these as affirmations) that you need to tell yourself more often. Here are some of mine to get you started, and I encourage you to do this through prayer, with God and with God's word. Maybe even with a close friend or spouse, you probably already have someone in mind, ask them to help you.

Some of my affirmations are:

  • I am safe here
  • I don't have to defend myself, I am not under attack
  • I am loved, cherished, valuable and that will not changed based on what I do or do not "accomplish" today
  • I belong
  • I don't have to prove my worth, because of my faith in Jesus and what he accomplished on the cross
  • I deserve to have fun, relax and enjoy the life God has given me
What are yours? I'd love to hear your truths and I think God would like to, too.

Blessings as you work with God and yourself to create margin and love yourself well.


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